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Make Inclusive Behaviors Habitual on Your Team

This article explores the importance of building a more inclusive team environment, which requires addressing unconscious patterns of exclusion and working to establish a behavioral habit of inclusion. The authors, who are coaches with extensive experience working with teams and leaders, argue that effective diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) initiatives must move beyond individual efforts and instead focus on the team level.

The authors introduce the concept of Inclusive Teaming, which is not simply about having a diverse team, but rather about actively and productively managing differences within the team. They argue that Inclusive Teaming must become a habit within the team's behavioural patterns, in order to create a sustained shift toward inclusion.

To achieve this, the authors suggest identifying Detractor Patterns that impede Inclusive Teaming, which can include behaviors such as speaking over team members or not valuing diverse perspectives. By acknowledging and discussing these patterns candidly, teams can intentionally choose corresponding Amplifier Patterns to remedy them. The authors provide five common Detractor Patterns and suggestions for how to overcome them with Amplifier Patterns.

The article emphasises the importance of team-level accountability for DEI efforts, as well as the potential negative consequences of failing to establish inclusive team behaviours. This can include both hard costs, such as missed deadlines and performance goals, and soft costs, such as losing talented team members.

In conclusion, the authors argue that establishing a culture of Inclusive Teaming requires a concerted effort to recognise and address Detractor Patterns, while intentionally practicing Amplifier Patterns to build a more inclusive team environment. This work must be ongoing, as teams continually evolve and encounter new challenges. By prioritising inclusion at the team level, organisations can create lasting change that benefits both individual team members and the organisation as a whole.

Published on May 9 2023 - Read the full article on Harvard Business Review

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