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Deloitte study: most working women feel an increasing level of stress and plan to resign

The level of stress faced by more than half of working women (53%) is higher than a year ago, and 46% say they are exhausted, according to Deloitte's Women @ Work 2022 Study, conducted globally. Moreover, exhaustion (burnout) is one of the main reasons why women decide to resign (40%). More than half of the study participants want to leave their current employer within two years and only 10% plan to maintain their job for more than five years.

On the other hand, the study shows a significant difference in the status and attitude of women whose leaders support gender equality. Only 3% of them feel burned out, 90% of them rate their motivation at work as good or extremely good, none is currently looking for a new job and only 9% plan to leave in the next two years. Of those who work with such leaders, 87% say they get adequate mental health support from employer and feel comfortable talking about their issues of this kind in the workplace.

The study also shows that, although hybrid working has been implemented by many companies over the last year – 44% of women employed globally are working in such a model – more than half of them (54%) have already experienced a lack of flexibility related to the place and the time of their expected work, and 64% indicate their employer has not set clear expectations around these issues, which limits the predictability many women need, especially those with caregiving responsibilities.

Moreover, 94% of respondents believe that requesting flexible working schedule will affect their likelihood of promotion. At the same time, almost 60% of those working in hybrid system feel they have been excluded from important meetings, and almost half say they do not have enough exposure to leaders – a critical enabler of integration, salary increases or career opportunities.

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